One of our early risers and most dedicated athletes since joining, Christel has been quietly working in the 6am class to accomplish her goals before some of us are even awake. So, we wanted to sit down and ask her a few questions on what makes her unique and this is what she said.
Tell us about yourself.
I work in sales, I love my two kids, I’m quiet and I live with two cats named Jax and Tig (Sons of Anarchy reference).
Both my kids are very outgoing but my personality is relatively reserved.
What made you want to start CrossFit?
Elise’s phone call and the wine I had the night before, haha. My son, Brandon spoke so highly of this place, he assured me I would be in safe hands at this gym. I don’t have to doll up to show up.
What is your proudest moment at Strategic?
Proudest moment would have to be when I did 50 thrusters unbroken
Favorite WOD?
Rowing, I can see my progression better, I also like the sleds.
Favorite cheat meal?
PIE! Pumpkin pie and apple pie.
What has crossfit done for you?
It has helped me get out of my own head! You can do it even if you don’t think you can. Never look at the workout beforehand.
What advice would give to someone thinking about joining?
Just do it. The coaches won’t let athletes do anything stupid. I have all the faith in coach Brendan, coach Elise and coach Ron. I know I can be a challenge sometimes but the coaches here are very patient with me.
Anything else you would like to add?
I just enjoy coming here, not when my alarm goes off in the morning – but I like coming.